Monday, January 2, 2017

Journal Project #7: Miss Gradenko (Nobody but us in here)... 02.01.2017

You're probably wondering why I have back-to-back Journal Project posts... no, I have not been ridiculously prolific lately, I had written ~85% of the previous post a couple of weeks ago and then, quite frankly, things got busy... and it didn't get posted when it should have. But now, it's a New Year and things are back on track :)
Sometimes, the titles and ideas for new work come simply from having one single song that refuses to leave your head for days on end.
Since the radio in my car decided to quit on me my exposure to music on a daily basis has declined greatly (which I miss terribly) and I find that when I do hear music, the song tends to linger in my brain longer that usual... In this case, The Police's song "Miss Gradenko".
I LOVE The Police, have been a fan since I was a freshman in high school when "Synchronicity" was released. Yes, I was a little late to The Police Party, but I made up for it pretty quickly. I clearly remember purchasing "Synchronicity" - the first cassette (yes, cassette) that I purchased with my own money - at Ann & Hope at the Liberty Tree Mall in Danvers, MA (sadly no longer there). It didn't take me long wear the cassette out, so you can only guess how happy I was that CDs soon became popular and I was able to purchase my own CD player a couple of years later.
"Miss Gradenko" was never my favorite song on the album (sorry, boys), BUT it has a refrain that is virtually impossible to get out of your head once it gets in there:
"Is anybody alive in here?
Is anybody at all in here?
Nobody but us in here
Nobody but us."
Now, imagine that refrain on loop in your brain for about two weeks...
I originally had this idea to have the design off-centered and low... and, at first, it was working: 

And then, I followed my instinct and made the design in the center of the circle black... and that's where I think it is starting to lose the idea I had in my head.
Sometimes, it works... other times not. But the idea of this project is not to produce a masterpiece each and every time, but to experiment with size and to hone spontaneity. I have a preference to work big... and have fantasies of one day covering an entire wall with my artwork, but I also want to make my art accessible to everyone and this project is a great tool to innovate and experiment with new ideas and designs... even if they are sometimes less successful on paper than they were in your head.
Jenn White
White Rooster Studios
Copyright © 2017 White Rooster Studios. All Rights Reserved. 

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