I Ching Project Statement

My current project is a series of 64 mixed-media paintings based on the I Ching (The Book of Changes) and it is best described as a mixture of order and chaos.
The order comes from the unifying elements of the I Ching project: a black framework border on watercolor paper, a hexagram, which is chosen at random at varying stages of the painting, along with the corresponding Chinese character. The chaos evolves from the biomorphic designs (some paintings are created entirely using these designs), the Celtic knots, and the final ink wash stage. The result creates a balance of decisive and delicate lines set against a background of intense shapes.
There is no preconceived idea of what the painting will evolve into. I begin by either designing a Celtic-style knot or a biomorphic design and the rest of the painting flows from that point. I choose to use Sharpies in this project because I feel a sense of control while using them, at the same time I also incorporate gel pens for their lack of control. I enjoy the uncertainty and excitement of “What if?” during the design of the knot, the blocking in of the biomorphic designs and the ink wash stage.
The continued challenge faced while working on this project is not to be repetitive, to push the designs further. Originally, the blocking in of the shapes were entirely dictated by the lines on the paper, now the designs are free to morph into other shapes which allow for a more sophisticated and complex result. I still cannot predict which direction the final stages of this project will go in, but it is important that the process is not forced, that there remains a level of spontaneity.

The I Ching Project was completed on 26 August, 2015 and is currently in the process of being scanned. Please check the Gallery Page soon as more pictures will be added!!

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