Sunday, July 10, 2016

Journal Project #1: Art is the accomplice of love... 10.7.2016

I have been thinking about developing a journal-type project for some time now and have finally decided on a format: the pictures will be on a small-scale - 8x8 (this is a huge challenge for me as I prefer to work much bigger), one picture will be completed every two weeks, and it will be inspired by what is relevant to me during that time period.

The advantages of developing an 8x8 series are: I can scan them on my home scanner which has a max scan of 8.5x14, I can complete them in approximately two hours - this will allow me to continue to work on my other projects, and the smaller format will force me to come up with more creative ways to complete the work... and, hopefully, will help evolve my work in new and unexpected directions.

Friday evening, my friend, Corrine, sent me a text message with a photo of her Chinese fortune cookie: "Art is the accomplice of love." And I thought: what a great note to start this project on :)

Since, thanks to a quick search on Avvo, I confirmed that I will not be able to pursue my original idea of using song lyrics in the art work... unless I wish to contact all the owners and/or representatives of said song lyrics and received permission to use them, I thought a way around all this would be to use the SONG TITLES (which, according to Avvo, are OK to use). So, the song titles, along with attributed quotes and whatever else captures my imagination, will be included in the artwork... and, over time, I hope to get better and adding the text... even with planning, things don't always work the way you want them to: 
Jenn White
White Rooster Studios 

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