Sunday, September 7, 2014

Update - The I Ching Project: New Work... Part 2... 7/9/2014

Part 2 of New Work:

#43 Resolute Reform: The 1st pic is of the initial knot design, the 2nd is of the biomorphic shapes, the 3rd is of the biomorphic shapes being blocked in, and the 4th is a portion of the final painting:

 #52 Stillness: The 1st is of the biomorphic shapes and the initial blocking in, the 2nd is of the biomorphic shapes being blocked in, and the 3rd is a portion of the final painting:


 #55 Abundance: The 1st is of the biomorphic shapes as well as the hexagram and the Chinese character, the 2nd is of the biomorphic shapes being blocked in, and the 3rd is a portion of the final painting:
Jenn White
White Rooster Studios

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